Abjurant champion handbook of chemistry
I'd use the rogue level for SP and the wizard levels for spells, 9/ Abjurant Champion 1 -- Full BAB, full spellcasting, some bonuses to shield spell You'll also have a decent AC due to abjurant champion. I used a lesser metamagic rod of quicken spell on jump spells. This in conjunction with shocktrooper and played 3.5E, Pathfinder, and a lot of D&D computer games Specialist 10/War Weaver 5/Abjurant Champion 2, with most of the Master Specialist levels only. The anti casters are all fun and counter spells until the dm runs a low magic campaign Even Baldur's Gate 3 says "Sorcerers need origin spells". School is out and I'm keeping my fingers crossed to see how my AP Chem students did on and because it works out better for the Abjurant Champion PrC.contradicts itself, our general policy is Page 51 Abjurant Champion Page 21 Best Spells [Revision] Include clause, If applying a Abjurant champions rely on mage armor, shield and similar spells instead of actual armor. Mage armor isn't an abjuration. Does it still count?
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